The Odds are against laptop users

Did you know that every 53 seconds a laptop is stolen and the average total cost to the business from a single laptop is $47,000.

These are very scary statistics but there are steps that you can take to prevent your data from being compromised.

Always put a password on your laptop when logging in
The most important step for securing your laptop and preventing other people from accessing your files without permission is to require a login password. Make sure to create a password that is difficult to guess, so don’t use your birthday, your dog's name, or the name of a loved one.

Encrypt your hard drives
Protecting your laptop with a password is not enough to prevent an attacker from accessing your files. If your laptop is stolen or the attacker has a lot of time, he can remove the hard drive and read the files directly. To prevent this and to protect your data from physical attacks, encrypt your laptop’s hard drive.

Backup your data
From ransomware attacks to stolen laptops, backing up your data is essential to ensuring you will not lose your data. You can go with either a local backup or a cloud backup.

Keep your laptop up to date
Operating systems and programs have updates all the time and it's critical these updates and security patches are installed on a regular basis. Make sure auto update is turned on for all operating systems and programs.

Know your serial or tag number
One of the first things you'll need to know when reporting a stolen laptop is the serial number or service tag number as well as the make and model. Keep this information in a location other than your laptop.

There are other options as well to protect you such as Geo Tracking, Two-Factor authentication and more. We can help you better understand all the options available today to protect your laptop and your business so you don't become another statistic.

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